Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spoiled Adults, Spoiled Elderly, Merciless Children

Herman Cain has proposed a 9-9-9 plan to fix the economy. I'm not going to addressed the possibility of that every seeing the light of day, but a lot of seniors are worried that such a plan would strain their already limited income.

Let me address my fellow Social Security recipients.

I am living on Social Security and disability insurance. Anything the politicians do to fix the problem will be a difficult burden on all of us simply because we didn't fix the problem when it could have been fixed (when we were young). We had our chance. Now we are at the mercy of the young and we are old enough to know how the young can be. Some are noble but once they realize that the only choice they are given is everything for us and nothing for them, they are going to rebel and you and I will get nothing at all... and they will be morally justified because you and I had our chance to fix it and we failed.

Now it is beyond fixing and it's their turn. The politicians simply don't want to tell you that because if they actually told you the truth you (and many like you) will get angry and vote them out of office. So this 9-9-9 plan is more fair. It spreads out the pain more evenly but you can't expect to experience no pain at all.

Most people on Social Security use up everything they put into it in about 4 years or so. After that we are "on the dole". We are depending on the charity of others. If those others can no longer pay in, it seems wrong to take out a loan simply to give us money when there is no prospect of paying back the loan.

So my advice to the retired senior is to calculate how much you put into the Social Security system while you were working and how much you've taken out so far. If you have already used it all up then measure your gratitude by how much you have received in this gift and mind those who must continue to pay until you die with no prospect of any retirement for themselves.

There are letters from the elderly that still exist. Nazi Germany had a retirement plan for the Aryan elderly. But with hyper inflation in Germany the government could no longer write the check. Letters when out to children from parents pleading to be taken back. "I can still work on the farm!" It did not good. Their adult children could barely feed themselves. And so the Nazis put to death the elderly. Their own. And the children let them.

That seems to be the plan. Obama says we've been living too high on the hog. "Take a pill!" So he wants us to take a pill instead of that hip surgery or replacing that painful joint deterioration with an artificial knee. He wants us to end our our lives in a morphine-induced haze with our children telling us that its all for the best.
It's not the best but maybe we deserve it. We failed them.

Vote however you'd like but whatever happens I guarantee you won't like it and you won't be able to do anything about it because they are going to take it out of our hide one way or the other. We can't escape it. They are already extracting a tax in inflation as our fixed income stays fixed but what we can buy with it shrinks and shrinks.

If it's all the same to you I'd rather face the problem like an adult rather than hide under the bed. Politicians (now long dead) made promises. They lied. We can dig up their graves and hang the liars from a lamppost but it doesn't solve the problem they created and we knew about long before. Will our children hang us from a lamppost? It is a real possibility.

The Brown Shirts have arrived and there is no mercy in their eyes.

Is Perry Dreaming?

I'm not a big supporter of Perry for President but I'm not seriously opposed to him either. I like to make my decision made based on the facts and I see a lot of rhetoric and opinion flying around the Internet and very few facts. One of the so-called "facts" is that somehow Rick Perry supports the Dream Act, a law granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens who came into the country as minors and remained for at least five year or had served in the military. The idea behind this is that a minor is not in control of the acts of his parents and therefore blameless. By the time they become college students they are of age and can make decisions themselves. Perry adds that such a potential student must apply for citizenship as well.
Here is a typical and popular response to Perry from past presidential candidate, Tom Tancredo, "Perry not a true Conservative".
I think it makes an error in saying that Perry supports open borders simply because he opposes a border fence. Perry's stand is that the border is very long along Texas. It would be very expensive to build a fence without the corresponding increase in border security because like any fence, it's easy to climb and if there is no policeman with a shotgun on the other side, it is sort of useless.
Perry favors "boots on the ground" over any fence. That makes sense. A fence is not necessary if you have people guarding the border. A border guard is more secure than a border fence. A border fence gives us the sense that we are doing something substantial because we can see it there but without people backing it up, it is simply construction worker full employment act. It is not border security.
What we need is a gate... like the Golden Gate or Ellis Island where Mexican immigrants can be processed and given papers to enter the USA legally and easily.... like within a day or two. Most Mexican people who wish to immigrate good people. The ones who are criminals will not use such a gateway. They will use other means and when they do we can assume they are bad people because only bad people would use such a crazy path as trekking across a desert with no water when simply walking through the gate legally is so easy. Police can assume an illegal purpose the same way they can assume something illegal when the policeman sees someone crawling through the back window of a store when the front door is open. Whatever that guy is doing, it can't be good and so the policeman draws his weapon. Naturally.
A legal gateway makes border security simple. You don't need a fence or not much of one. You would need a fence to funnel good people to the correct gate... not keep bad people out. That would reduce the work of the border patrol to only criminal activity instead of the uncertain act of rounding up people most of whom are simply looking for opportunity in a new country and who may or may not have armed and dangerous criminals amongst them.
Alex Shrugged

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupying the Middle


I was confronted with someone on a forum who suggested that Mexicans in California believe that California is occupied Mexico.

I answer that there have always been a few who believed that California belonged to Mexico. I first heard of this in the 1970's and I've been hearing this tripe every since. It is promoted by a few knuckleheaded socialist/Marxist Mexican American citizens. This is the old Che Guevara crowd. Even the Mexican community find them odd and difficult. What is happening is that socialist/Marxists are wrapping their ideology in Mexican pride and romantic nostalgia for "the old country".

The Irish American citizens did the same thing hoisting a cold one for the revolutionaries in Ireland. The Irish are clannish you know. They stick together and they have infiltrated the FBI! The Irish have even forced us to celebrate their religious holidays! (St. Patrick's Day) The one thing they are NOT doing is they are not trying to wrap up nostalgia and romantic idealization for Ireland with socialism/Marxism. Thank G-d!

The Mexican American citizen community is burdened with socialist/Marxists the same as the all the countries south of us are. Thus you will see organizations in the Mexican American citizen community that reflect this socialism/Marxism. My advice is to NOT to mistake the nostalgia for a romantic Mexico as a desire to overturn the American government. That is what Marxists do and most Mexican American citizens are not Marxists.