Tuesday, November 4, 2014

History: The Year is 1460

I've uploaded year 1460 to the TSP Wiki...

War of the Roses: By the Grace of God and 10,000 Men -- Richard of York takes London and declares himself king but he loses his head over it. His son Edward will be king next year. I talk about the Divine Right of Kings, ... trail by combat... John Locke and his opposition to the Divine Right of Kings in his First Treatise. Most Americans focus on his Second Treatise because Americans don't have an aristocracy to the First Treatise seems irrelevant these days.

War of the Roses: By the Grace of God and 10,000 Men

Queen Margaret has been ruling England in place of her incapacitated husband, King Henry the 6th. Unfortunately Queen Margaret is not as politically savvy as Richard of York, so he has become more powerful she fails to bring him to heel. As Richard enters London with 10,000 men at his back, she barely escapes with her son. Along the way, her own attendants rob her but she makes it to safety in Wales. Richard declares himself king but while the Parliament is impressed, they won't remove King Henry. Instead, they name Richard as the new heir apparent. This will do Richard no good when Queen Margaret's forces attack and remove Richard's head. They will place a paper crown on his head, but they missed his son, Edward. Next year he will be crowned King Edward the 4th after locking up Henry the 6th. [1] [2] [3] [4]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Although trial by combat has been abandoned by this time, the idea that the nobility are favored by the Divine is still a popular notation. It may seem ridiculous that Richard of York could waltz into London and claim the throne for himself and have the Parliament considered it seriously, but the very fact that he could take London by force was an indication to them that he was favored by God. The Divine Right of Kings will suffer serious challenge under John Locke, the English philosopher, when he publishes his "First Treatise" in 1689. Locke is one of the favorites of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America mostly due to his "Second Treatise" on Civil Government and freedom.[5] [6]

This Year in Wikipedia

Year 1460, Wikipedia.

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