I've uploaded year 1466 to the TSP Wiki...
Here are some one liners...
A Thorny Case of Torts and the O.J. Simpson Trial -- The modern idea of civil liability begins and I relate this to the difference between OJ Simpson being found not guilty of murder yet guilty of civil liability for wrongful death.
Hooked on Mnemonics: Columbus Sails the Deep Blue Sea -- The early life of Columbus is murky but he sets sail at the age of ten, so he claims. I also talk about mnemonic devices that can aid in learning but can also mess you up..
Donatello and the Cradle of the Renaissance -- Florence is the cradle of the Renaissance and the cradle of fascism. Oh... and Donatello dies there this year.
A Thorny Case of Torts and the O.J. Simpson Trial
The history of civil tort law begins with Orange v. Hull. Orange was trimming his thorn hedge along the property line when a few branches fell onto his neighbor's property. Orange stepped onto Hull's property to retrieve the branches and toss them back. It is agreed that Orange was trespassing but his trespass was considered legal in 1400s. Yet, while on Hull's property, Orange caused minor and apparently unavoidable damage to Hull's crops. Hull sued and the court ruled in Orange's favor because Orange was committing a legal act with no intent to damage. Yet some damage occurred. Upon appeal Hull won. Thus begins the modern legal process of suing for civil damages without proving battery (that is unlawful physical contact) or negligence. [1] [2] [3] [4]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
One could escape liability amazingly easily with a clever attorney picking at technical issues. With civil liability, a plaintiff could get satisfaction with a lesser standard of proof. This is what happened with the case the O. J. Simpson murder trial. The jury found Simpson "not guilty" in the murder of his wife, Nicole, when the jury judged that the state failed to meet the strict burden of proof for murder but Nicole's parents won their civil case against Simpson for the wrongful death of Nicole. The award was not fully paid by Simpson so a book entitled "If I Did It" was released for sale.[5] [6] FYI: My cousin is an attorney and she tells me that in modern law, Orange was trespassing and required permission from Hull to enter the property.
One could escape liability amazingly easily with a clever attorney picking at technical issues. With civil liability, a plaintiff could get satisfaction with a lesser standard of proof. This is what happened with the case the O. J. Simpson murder trial. The jury found Simpson "not guilty" in the murder of his wife, Nicole, when the jury judged that the state failed to meet the strict burden of proof for murder but Nicole's parents won their civil case against Simpson for the wrongful death of Nicole. The award was not fully paid by Simpson so a book entitled "If I Did It" was released for sale.[5] [6] FYI: My cousin is an attorney and she tells me that in modern law, Orange was trespassing and required permission from Hull to enter the property.
Hooked on Mnemonics: Columbus Sails the Deep Blue Sea
The early life of Christopher Columbus is not well established. His father was a wool carder. That is... he processed wool by brushing out the fibers. This was called "carding" and it was tedious work that is performed by machine nowadays. Years later, Christopher Columbus will claim that he didn't want to become a carder so he went to sea at the age of 10. Whether true or not, he must have crewed somewhere to gain experience. He will wander the known seas for years, eventually making his way through the Mediterranean to Iceland and back to Lisbon. In his travels he will be inspired by the Travels of Marco Polo and a wholly inaccurate but scientifically derived map that showed the world as round and much smaller that it actually is. The scientist/mapmaker based his map on inaccurate data and incorrect assumptions. Because of his errors, when Columbus lands in Hispaniola in 1492, he will think it is India, and call the people he finds there, Indians. [7] [8]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
There is a familiar rhyme used as mnemonic device in grade school to remember when Columbus discovered America... "In fourteen-hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Unfortunately, another rhyme has become the bane of school children, "In fourteen-hundred and ninety-three, Columbus sailed the deep blue sea." [9]
There is a familiar rhyme used as mnemonic device in grade school to remember when Columbus discovered America... "In fourteen-hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Unfortunately, another rhyme has become the bane of school children, "In fourteen-hundred and ninety-three, Columbus sailed the deep blue sea." [9]
Donatello and the Cradle of the Renaissance
Donatello is not a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He is a famous sculptor who produced his statue of David (a life-sized version) and several other magnificent statues. He has died this year in Florence in modern day Italy. He was 80 years old and his last works remain unfinished which only emphasize their intensity and evoke passion. He is buried next to Cosimo the Elder, the man who supported the arts and pushed the Renaissance forward by financing its foundations in Florence. Florence is known as the cradle of the Renaissance and it is due in part to such artists as Donatello. [10] [11]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Florence will also be the cradle of fascism. Donatello had lived a number of years in Siena, which was within the Florence sphere of influence. In 1477 it will vote for a dictatorship when the political infighting and violence will become intolerable and the people will see the need for a strong hand to bring order to the chaos. It won't be the last time the Italians will vote for fascism.[12]
Florence will also be the cradle of fascism. Donatello had lived a number of years in Siena, which was within the Florence sphere of influence. In 1477 it will vote for a dictatorship when the political infighting and violence will become intolerable and the people will see the need for a strong hand to bring order to the chaos. It won't be the last time the Italians will vote for fascism.[12]
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