Thursday, February 25, 2016

History: The Year is 1739

I've uploaded year 1739 to the TSP Wiki...

Here are some one liners...

Rule, Britannia! Britannia Rule the Waves! -- The public will pressure
the government into a war.

The Foundation of the Methodists -- John and Charles Wesley will lay the
foundation for the first Methodist chapel.

Clinton is Born! -- George Clinton will grow up to become an

Rule, Britannia! Britannia Rule the Waves!

Let's talk about jingoism, or patriotism-gone-wild. Remember that English-backed company that caused an economic collapse? Well... the South Sea Company is still around and the English are trying to make their money back. Spain has money tied up in the company too and this business relationship is now causing a conflict. Both countries want their money but neither one wants to look like a wimp. Recently, Spain felt compelled to limit English access in the Spanish Main (which is the Spanish Caribbean and the nearby South American coastline). As a result, smuggling begins. The Spaniards try to stop the smuggling by interdicting British shipping. The Brits send frigates to protect British shipping and otherwise cause havoc along the Spanish Main. (This sounds like the plot to a Horatio Hornblower novel.) Behind the scenes, the Prime Minister of England has been negotiating for a peaceful resolution to the situation, but public opinion has spiraled out of control. The Prime Minister is forced to break off negotiations and declares war on Spain. The crowd goes wild! A new song is composed to celebrate the strength of Great Britain! You'll recognize the tune the moment you hear it. It is in every movie that wants you to know that the next scene takes place in England: "Rule, Britannia! Britannia Rule the Waves!" [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
There is something in human nature that can be triggered using song, color and a turn of phrase. It is automatic and almost irresistible. Everyone knows this on some level. That is why people get nervous when a politician waves the flag so-to-speak, or a song becomes so popular that it stirs up feelings of love of country: "I just thank my lucky stars"/ "To be living here today"/ "'Cause the flag still stands for freedom"/ "And they can't take that away!...." Well... that song makes me cry, but I know darn well that they CAN take my freedom away. I know because I've seen it, but it is more likely that we will GIVE it away. It's easy. All I have to do is cast my vote to let someone ELSE take care of my problems... and then they will take everything else. How can I protect myself from patriotism-gone-wild? By knowing that I have that trigger inside of me and remaining an individual regardless. I can enjoy feelings of patriotism as long as I avoid following the herd during the next stampede. [7] [8]

The Foundation of the Methodists

John and Charles Wesley have followed their co-preacher, George Whitfield, into the fields to preach the Gospel to the coal miners. Whitfield is an amazing orator with a preaching style that taps into people's emotions. Wherever he goes, thousands come to listen. Tough men, hardened from years in the coal mines burst into tears, leaving white gutters down their faces where the coal dust has been washed away. John Wesley has a different style of preaching that is more educational. He also tends to stay longer in an area to organize the local community while Whitfield will speak and then move on. The foundation stone of the first Methodist Meeting Room is set in place this year in Bristol. It will remain the oldest Methodist chapel in the world. [9]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
The Methodists were getting a real boost at that time, but they were not universally loved. Whenever you have a new group espousing a new way of worship, you will have others who will object. In those days, the people would object strenuously, which became a problem for Charles Wesley. Some people were looking for him, so a local farmer's wife hid him. As the mob was searching for him, he wrote a hymn, entitled Jesus, Lover of my Soul. The title suggests the focus that John and Charles Wesley had been promoting. They suggested that Jesus and Satan were at war for one's soul. In the epic battle for supremacy, the common man could be thought to be a participant, the object of the war to win their soul for Heaven or for Hell. [10]

Clinton is Born!

George Clinton is born... not the other Clinton. He is born in New York to Irish immigrant parents. He will become a brigadier General for the Continental Army. He will also be elected to two political offices at the same time... Governor of New York AND Lieutenant Governor. He will decide to resign his position as Lieutenant Governor. He will also serve as Vice-president of the United States under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. [11]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
I remember George Clinton best as one of the anti-Federalists. When the Constitution of the United States was drafted, a long discussion and debate on ratification of the Constitution began. That debate went on all across the country in pubs, churches and in the newspapers. The Federalists were arguing for a strong Federal government and opposed the Bill of Rights. They felt that if our inalienable rights were written down that people in later years might think that those rights came from government and not from our Creator. (Imagine that!) They also feared that people might think the Bill of Rights are our only rights. (Outrageous!) The Anti-federalists opposed the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was added to the negotiations. George Clinton opposed the idea of a President because he felt that one day a President might collect enough power to be declared a king. (Hmmm...) Frankly, both Federalists and anti-Federalists were right. People have forgotten that they are born with inalienable rights bestowed upon us by our Creator. And while people can dream up rights willy nilly, they seem to think of rights as being granted by the government. The problem is that any blanket right granted by a government can also be rescinded by a government. School-age students are no longer educated in basic civics and they are no longer critical thinkers. I am a critical thinker but I had to teach myself. How did I do that? I studied the Great Books. If you want to know how critical thinkers think, read what they wrote and try to figure out why they wrote it that way.

This Year in Wikipedia

Year 1739, Wikipedia.

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