As always, Alex Shrugged's opinions are his own. Other people's work are their own. I include them here for the sake of completeness and to provide a second method of access to the material for the TSP history segment.
* The "Angel of Death" is Born -- Contributed by Alex Shrugged
* Coming to America... Broke but not Broken -- Contributed by Alex Shrugged
* The Second Civil Rights Act and the Trap for Minorities -- Contributed by Alex Shrugged
* Notable Births -- See below.
* This Year in Film -- See below.
* This Year in Music -- See below.
* In Other News -- See below.
The "Angel of Death" is Born
Contributed by Alex ShruggedCharles Cullen is born this year. He will become the most prolific serial killer in history topping out at an estimated 400 dead. The Navy will discharge him in 1984 after several suicide attempts. His first remembered murder will be committed on June 11, 1988 at St. Barnabas Medical Center when he administers an overdose to Judge John W. Yengo who had an allergic reaction to medication. He will continue murdering patients at that hospital for another 4 years, some directly and some by contaminating intravenous bags with insulin. When the hospital starts an investigation, he leaves, and continues his killing spree at other hospitals. After 20 years, he will be discovered, arrested and plead guilty. But for now, he is just a baby, the youngest of eight children and the son of a bus driver living in New Jersey. [1] [2]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
In the news coverage, Cullen was portrayed as "The Angel of Death", as if he was God's agent ending the suffering of the terminally ill, but most of his victims were not terminally ill. Many of his murders seemed purely random. Cullen was mentally ill, but that does not mean he was mentally incompetent. He appeared reasonably normal. What is astonishing is the lack of monitoring by the medical staff. This case led to tightening up of the monitoring of the day-to-day work at hospitals... more than simply checking for narcotics abuse and theft. The horses may have left the barn, but there will be other horses. Cullen was sentenced to over 100 years in prison, and as of this writing, he is still there.
In the news coverage, Cullen was portrayed as "The Angel of Death", as if he was God's agent ending the suffering of the terminally ill, but most of his victims were not terminally ill. Many of his murders seemed purely random. Cullen was mentally ill, but that does not mean he was mentally incompetent. He appeared reasonably normal. What is astonishing is the lack of monitoring by the medical staff. This case led to tightening up of the monitoring of the day-to-day work at hospitals... more than simply checking for narcotics abuse and theft. The horses may have left the barn, but there will be other horses. Cullen was sentenced to over 100 years in prison, and as of this writing, he is still there.
Coming to America... Broke but not Broken
Contributed by Alex Shrugged- "¿Cuántas agujas vamos a meter en Fidel, m'ija?" (How many needles will we put in Fidel, my daughter?)
- "Vamos a meter una, dos, tres..." (Let's put one, two, three...)
- -- Nursery rhyme taught to Cuban exile, Gigi Anders, by her mother. [3]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
The best of Cuba got out while the getting was good, and that was generally to the benefit of those countries that took them in. Gigi Anders became a journalist and author. Presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are children of Cuban exiles. And since we are talking about Cuba, 1960 was also the year that Che Guevara had that iconic photo taken of him. It has been used for years on posters and T-shirts making money for greedy capitalists. I find that ironic, but if one of my kids ever came home wearing one of those shirts, I'd boot them right in the backside. [5] [6]
The best of Cuba got out while the getting was good, and that was generally to the benefit of those countries that took them in. Gigi Anders became a journalist and author. Presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are children of Cuban exiles. And since we are talking about Cuba, 1960 was also the year that Che Guevara had that iconic photo taken of him. It has been used for years on posters and T-shirts making money for greedy capitalists. I find that ironic, but if one of my kids ever came home wearing one of those shirts, I'd boot them right in the backside. [5] [6]
The Second Civil Rights Act and the Trap for Minorities
Contributed by Alex ShruggedPresident Eisenhower (R) has signed into law the second of his Civil Rights Acts. The Republican Party certainly has feet of clay, but the Democrat Party is the mud-slinging home of the die-hard racists. This is especially true of the South, but the North is not immune. It is simply different. LBJ is Senate Majority Leader and he has been delaying, obstructing and otherwise trying to torpedo the bill, but it gets by him and his fellow Democrats. This law is not the all-encompassing, fix-it-all solution that the Democrat leadership will propose after John F. Kennedy takes office. The politics of race has delayed implementation of Civil Rights, but make no mistake, it is Republicans standing four-square for civil rights. There are a few Democrats who genuinely care, but they are thin on the ground. This new law will prohibit consideration of race and color during the voting process. It does not consider place of natural origin. It also sets fines for poll workers who alter the voting records or lose them, and empowers a commission with oversight responsibilities. The commission has a time limit placed on it, and no quotas. That would be crazy. Right? [7]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
During the 1950's the lot of black people had been improving steadily. By that I mean the number of black people with doctorates was increasing, and black people in business. Black people in politics was less encouraging at the time, but overall the trend was up. A few tweaks in the law here and there were in order, but after the sweeping Civil Rights Acts under John F. Kennedy, the upward trend suddenly flattened out. Whatever the original intent of the Civil Rights Acts, the result was to burden minorities. Within a few years, racial quotas became proof of discrimination. Businesses hired minorities to satisfy some metric that kept the business safe from lawsuit. My sister is a good woman with a good mind, but when I looked at her speech as high school valedictorian, I told her it was illiterate. She cried and stubbornly believed the race mongers. The college accepted her application under a special program for minorities, but they eventually expected her to do real work. It was a rude awakening, so she dropped out. She returned years later to become a registered nurse, after repairing the damage done by people who were trying to make their metrics look better. My son won a college scholarship for racial minorities. I asked him firmly if he could do the work. He said he could and he did. He is now a Phd working for the Navy, and earning his pay. [8]
During the 1950's the lot of black people had been improving steadily. By that I mean the number of black people with doctorates was increasing, and black people in business. Black people in politics was less encouraging at the time, but overall the trend was up. A few tweaks in the law here and there were in order, but after the sweeping Civil Rights Acts under John F. Kennedy, the upward trend suddenly flattened out. Whatever the original intent of the Civil Rights Acts, the result was to burden minorities. Within a few years, racial quotas became proof of discrimination. Businesses hired minorities to satisfy some metric that kept the business safe from lawsuit. My sister is a good woman with a good mind, but when I looked at her speech as high school valedictorian, I told her it was illiterate. She cried and stubbornly believed the race mongers. The college accepted her application under a special program for minorities, but they eventually expected her to do real work. It was a rude awakening, so she dropped out. She returned years later to become a registered nurse, after repairing the damage done by people who were trying to make their metrics look better. My son won a college scholarship for racial minorities. I asked him firmly if he could do the work. He said he could and he did. He is now a Phd working for the Navy, and earning his pay. [8]
Notable Births
- Tim Cook: CEO of Apple Inc. [9]
- Erin Brockovich: Law clerk and who successfully sued Pacific Gas and Electric for contaminating the drinking water. [9]
- Jeffrey Dahmer (died 1994, age 34): Raped, murdered, dismembered, AND ATE 17 men and boys. [9]
- Dan F.: Father of Southpaw Ben, born in Delaware, and currently works for DuPont.
- And in Entertainment...
- -- Amy Grant: Christian Pop singer. [9]
- -- Bono: Lead singer of U2 and lends his voice to various causes. (I'm not sure how effective he is.--alexshugged) [9]
- -- Sean Penn: Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Mystic River, and political activist. [9]
- -- Jean-Claude Van Damme: Universal Soldier, Timecop, and Kickboxer. [9]
This Year in Film
- Psycho: At the time considered one of Hitchcock's lesser films, it is now one of his best. [10]
- The Time Machine: Starring Rod Taylor, and Yvette Mimieux in the H.G. Wells' look into the far future. [10]
This Year in Music
- Elvis is back from the Army with: It's Now or Never, and Are You Lonesome Tonight? [12]
- The Twist: Chubby Checker has dancers jumping and twisting. [12]
- Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini: Brian Hyland. (Here come the Beach movies!--alexshugged) [13]