Here are some one liners...
Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Nongovernmental Certifications -- My wife buys this soy sauce! I mention that their soy sauce is kosher and how nongovernmental organizations like the kosher inspectors work and how government goofs up something that is already working.
The Death of Queen Elizabeth, the Last of the Tudors -- The best rulers are the ones who had no expectation of ever ruling.
Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Nongovernmental Certifications
The Japanese company that will one day make Kikkoman Soy Sauce is not established yet but the first of the family companies that will one day consolidate into that much larger corporation have gone into production making soy sauce this year. The Moga and Takanashi families live in the city of Noda. It will take a lot of effort and a lot of time to become a multinational corporation. For now they are keeping it in the family. [1]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
It says on the label that Kikkoman Soy Sauce is over 300 years old... and the soy sauce is marked as kosher! Some folks get nervous about food rituals as if something spooky is going on. Nothing is going on other than an additional inspection to make sure that the ingredients are allowed by Jewish law. For example: Jews are not allowed to eat shellfish. If the soy sauce had shellfish in it or the cooking equipment had been used for shellfish before, then the sauce would not be accepted as kosher by the inspector. Muslims use a slightly different food standard called halal. If the soy sauce contained wine, it would not be accepted as halal. Though these are religious standards, it is not much different than complying with an "organic" certification. But when government tries to define exactly what those labels mean in order to "protect the consumer," they often make things worse. Local government authorities have tried to define what is meant by "kosher," but even Jewish religious authorities cannot agree 100%. Given how the government has goofed up the "organic" label, having them defining "kosher" is most unwelcome. The kosher system has been working with all its quirks and differences of opinion for over 3000 years. Government should butt out. [2] [3] [4]
It says on the label that Kikkoman Soy Sauce is over 300 years old... and the soy sauce is marked as kosher! Some folks get nervous about food rituals as if something spooky is going on. Nothing is going on other than an additional inspection to make sure that the ingredients are allowed by Jewish law. For example: Jews are not allowed to eat shellfish. If the soy sauce had shellfish in it or the cooking equipment had been used for shellfish before, then the sauce would not be accepted as kosher by the inspector. Muslims use a slightly different food standard called halal. If the soy sauce contained wine, it would not be accepted as halal. Though these are religious standards, it is not much different than complying with an "organic" certification. But when government tries to define exactly what those labels mean in order to "protect the consumer," they often make things worse. Local government authorities have tried to define what is meant by "kosher," but even Jewish religious authorities cannot agree 100%. Given how the government has goofed up the "organic" label, having them defining "kosher" is most unwelcome. The kosher system has been working with all its quirks and differences of opinion for over 3000 years. Government should butt out. [2] [3] [4]
The Death of Queen Elizabeth, the Last of the Tudors
Queen Elizabeth the 1st has been languishing for several months in deep depression as her friends drop off, one after another into the Big Sleep. She is 69 years old and she has been variously called Good Queen Bess, the Virgin Queen or her personal favorite: Gloriana the Faerie Queene after that poem by Edmund Spenser. One has the sense that she has been the mother of Great Britain, but she has taken a turn for the worst. The experts don't know what is medically wrong with her other than she is having difficulty breathing. Her court gathers around her death bed as they watch her breathe her last. In the early morning hours she is laid in a coffin and conveyed down the river on a barge lit with candles. She is entombed alongside her sister, Mary. Mary was the same woman who plotted Elizabeth's overthrow. Now, all is forgiven as they lay to rest side-by-side. Elizabeth's nephew, King James of Scotland, will take the throne. [5] [6]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Queen Elizabeth did her best to rule rather than reign. That is, she actively governed the country and led the Parliament rather than passively let men guide her. She often referred to herself as a "prince" to remind herself and others that she intended to rule England like a man. This is the reason why she avoided marriage because if she married, she would be expected to submit to the will of her husband. Nevertheless, she was able to hold out the possibility of marriage as leverage in international relations... so to speak. I'm giving the impression that she was perfect. She was not, but she was willing to do the job to the best of her ability. I remember an historian say that the best rulers were those who had no expectation of ruling. Elizabeth had been removed from the succession by her father, King Henry the 8th. She had absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect that she would EVER take the throne. As a result, she didn't have to fret over it for years until the job was thrust upon her. [7] [8]
Queen Elizabeth did her best to rule rather than reign. That is, she actively governed the country and led the Parliament rather than passively let men guide her. She often referred to herself as a "prince" to remind herself and others that she intended to rule England like a man. This is the reason why she avoided marriage because if she married, she would be expected to submit to the will of her husband. Nevertheless, she was able to hold out the possibility of marriage as leverage in international relations... so to speak. I'm giving the impression that she was perfect. She was not, but she was willing to do the job to the best of her ability. I remember an historian say that the best rulers were those who had no expectation of ruling. Elizabeth had been removed from the succession by her father, King Henry the 8th. She had absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect that she would EVER take the throne. As a result, she didn't have to fret over it for years until the job was thrust upon her. [7] [8]
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