Here are some one liners...
Mad King Henry and Woodrow Wilson -- The King is catatonic after he lost France, leaving his wife with a newborn son to rule England all by herself in secret. President Woodrow Wilson's wife, Edith, did something similar when he fell to a stroke.
The Aztec Flower Wars --The Aztecs need more people for human sacrifices so they start a war so that they can take prisoners rather than sacrificing their own people.
The Birth of Amerigo --Ever wonder how America got it's name? I make a bit of a joke out of it here. I'll be more specific when it actually happens.
Mad King Henry and Woodrow Wilson
King Henry the 6th (a Lancaster) of England went catatonic after losing the 100 Year's War to the French. If his rival, Richard of York, finds out that the king is incapacitated there will be a fight for the throne. Queen Consort Margaret has no legal right to the throne yet she has been effectively ruling England for months. And ... she is pregnant! When she delivers her baby, a son, the English people really get behind her, but there is a technical problem. The King is catatonic so he can't acknowledge his child as his own. Rumors are flying that the child is not the king's son and some say that his real son died at birth and this is a switch! Queen Margaret is resolute and bold. She presents articles to the Parliament demanding that she be made regent... BUT SHE IS FRENCH! The Parliament doesn't fully trust her so they appoint Richard of York as regent. King Henry will recover by the end of the year and dismiss Richard as regent. Rumors that Queen Margaret hates Richard of York with a hot, hot hate seem reasonable. This fight is not over yet. [1] [2][3]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
In 1919 the First Lady of the United States, Edith Wilson, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson became "The First Man" (as one senator put it) after the President had a stroke that left him mentally incapacitated. Rather than give up the office to the Vice President, his wife, Edith, signed bills in her husband's name and tried to run the country. She had no formal education whatsoever. That didn't make her an idiot. It meant she was unprepared for the job. She later wrote of her role: "I studied every paper sent from the different Secretaries or Senators and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I, myself, never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs."
Most people think that is a load of hooey. Because the Constitution was vague concerning the mental incapacity of a President, the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1967 that spells out exactly what is to happen in that case.
For a good situational comedies on the same subject, see the movie "Dave" (1993) starring Kevin Kline and "King Ralph" (1991) starring John Goodman.[4] [5] [6] [7]
In 1919 the First Lady of the United States, Edith Wilson, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson became "The First Man" (as one senator put it) after the President had a stroke that left him mentally incapacitated. Rather than give up the office to the Vice President, his wife, Edith, signed bills in her husband's name and tried to run the country. She had no formal education whatsoever. That didn't make her an idiot. It meant she was unprepared for the job. She later wrote of her role: "I studied every paper sent from the different Secretaries or Senators and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I, myself, never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs."
Most people think that is a load of hooey. Because the Constitution was vague concerning the mental incapacity of a President, the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1967 that spells out exactly what is to happen in that case.
For a good situational comedies on the same subject, see the movie "Dave" (1993) starring Kevin Kline and "King Ralph" (1991) starring John Goodman.[4] [5] [6] [7]
The Aztec Flower Wars
As a multi-year famine draws to an end, the Aztecs begin a ritual called "The Flower Wars." These are stylized engagements that are less war and more intimidation. The object of this ritual is to fight enough of a war so that prisoners are captured and offered to the gods as human sacrifices. The Aztecs believe that regular human sacrifices will keep the gods properly nourished and in exchange the gods will keep the Aztecs nourished and keep the famine away. Estimates on the number of human sacrifices vary wildly but 20,000 a year is plausible. [8] [9]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Like cannibals who eat their enemies, the Aztecs wanted to sacrifice their neighbors rather than themselves. That meant that they needed a war but if the engagements became too aggressive, a lot of people from both sides would die. That's why they kept the war to a minimum. (This makes sense in a twisted way... I think.) In 1487, over a four day ritual celebration the Aztecs will sacrifice 14 human beings a minute for a total of over 80,000 human beings. Military historian Victor David Hanson wonders why his fellow historians don't often compare the Aztecs to the Nazis in these atrocities. I wonder the same thing. FYI... I'm Hispanic and Jewish. [10]
Like cannibals who eat their enemies, the Aztecs wanted to sacrifice their neighbors rather than themselves. That meant that they needed a war but if the engagements became too aggressive, a lot of people from both sides would die. That's why they kept the war to a minimum. (This makes sense in a twisted way... I think.) In 1487, over a four day ritual celebration the Aztecs will sacrifice 14 human beings a minute for a total of over 80,000 human beings. Military historian Victor David Hanson wonders why his fellow historians don't often compare the Aztecs to the Nazis in these atrocities. I wonder the same thing. FYI... I'm Hispanic and Jewish. [10]
The Birth of Amerigo
If you ever tried to guess where the name "America" came from you are getting warm now. Amerigo Vespucci [ves-POO-chee] was born this year in Florence, Italy. He will grow up to become an explorer, navigator and cartographer. He will prove that Columbus was not exploring the east coast of India but rather an entirely new continent. [11]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Amerigo will not be the one to call the continent "America" though. That will be someone else who will remember Amerigo... but not Vespucci [ves-POO-chee], thank God!
Amerigo will not be the one to call the continent "America" though. That will be someone else who will remember Amerigo... but not Vespucci [ves-POO-chee], thank God!
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