Thursday, March 26, 2015

History: The Year is 1543

I've uploaded year 1543 to the TSP Wiki...

Here are some one liners...

Third Act Problems and What Constitutes an Unalienable Right -- King Henry the 8th bring back Mary and Elizabeth into the line of succession and then tries to guarantee that no one will change the law, but his son will try. I then talk about unalienable rights... rights that don't change because they come from God.

The Beginning of the Dutch Republic and a Foreign-born Leadership -- The Dutch Republic is the precursor to the Dutch Empire that will span the world. I also talk about the problem of foreign-born rulers.

Martin Luther Turns Against the Jews -- Martin Luther is frustrated with the Jews because they refuse to convert so he is calling for the persecution of the Jews.

Third Act Problems and What Constitutes an Unalienable Right

In previous Acts of the English Parliament, King Henry the 8th's female children had been removed from the line of succession and rendered as bastards. Now, at the direction of the King, his Parliament has restored Mary and Elizabeth as legitimate heirs to the throne behind his son, Edward. Another Act makes it a treasonable offense to change this line of succession again. No doubt this was done to protect Edward, but when Edward becomes King he will attempt to cut out his half-sisters by naming his successor as Lady Jane Grey but Mary won't let that stand. Lady Jane will rule for 9 days before Mary will have her removed and beheaded. [1] [2] [3]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
It is the dream on any government to pass a law and make it unchangeable, but the only kind of laws like that are our fundamental unalienable rights that come from God. Some of those rights are listed in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. There was some argument, originally, that the Bill of Rights should not be added to the Constitution, because, as I imagine the logic went... "If we write down these God-given rights then our decedents will think that their rights come from government rather than from their Creator." This worry was deemed foolish. After all... what kind of knucklehead would think something like that? Eh? There is some room for confusion, though. Not all of our unalienable rights are listed there, so when someone says that such-and-such is a right, it is best to figure it out rather than reject the claim out of hand as "not written in the Constitution." That is a valid argument only if you believe that rights are granted by government and not by our Creator. [4]

The Beginning of the Dutch Republic and a Foreign-born Leadership

The Duchy of Geldern has been the center of a series of wars that have finally come to an end. The region is now under the control of Carlos the 1st of Spain (otherwise known as the Holy Roman Emperor). This event brings the 17 provinces of the original Dutch Republic under a single direct ruler. There are a few technical issues to be resolved and a couple of rebellions but the basic elements the Dutch Republic are now in place. From here the Dutch Empire will grow and extend around the world. [5] [6]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
The Protestant Reformation prompted a series of rebellions that bound the Dutch provinces together, but this fight had been on-going since 1482 when Philip the Fair, the Duke of Burgundy, inherited several titles across the Netherlands when his mother died. The high nobility married across various kingdoms so that their titles would be inherited by their children even if those children were not born in the same country or kingdom. This made their cross-kingdom subjects uncomfortable. It is like a US Presidential candidate having a foreign birthplace even with all the legalities followed. Senator John McCain was born in Panama. Senator Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and wherever President Obama was born, it stirred people up. It has become a cruel joke when a Chinese National can travel to the USA; give birth and have her baby be considered more legitimate a US citizen than a baby born to an American citizen a few miles across the border. [7]

Martin Luther Turns Against the Jews

Martin Luther publishes a pamphlet entitled "On the Jews and Their Lies." It differs greatly from his earlier works regarding the Jews when he chided his fellow Christians for being so cruel to the Jews. In 1523 he wrote: "If I had been a Jew and had seen such dolts and blockheads govern and teach the Christian faith, I would sooner have become a hog than a Christian. They have dealt with the Jews as if they were dogs rather than human beings; they have done little else than deride them and seize their property." [8]
But twenty years later, his attitude towards the Jews has taken a dark turn...
"What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews? ..."
"First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn..."
"Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed..." [9]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
As a Jew it is difficult to respond. In observing the long span of history, Martin Luther has created a massively better world. He improved Christianity as a whole including Catholicism. Overall violence was lessened considerably. On the other hand, the Nazis used Martin Luther's words to murder Jews by the millions. Christians had been looking to Hitler as another Constantine who would impose Christianity from the state-level, rather than convince the individual with gentle words. Martin Luther started with gentle words but in 1543 he was 59 or 60 years old, suffering from Ménière's [men-AIR'S] disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus, and a cataract in one eye. Well... me too and I am usually in good humor. He was also in a lot of pain from kidney and bladder stones along with angina. Maybe that was it, but his biggest complaint was the blaspheming of the Christian patriarchs. I can't imagine that happening though. If my life hung in the balance on the whim of a Christian, do you think I'd openly blaspheme anyone even if I was thinking it? I think not. [10]

This Year on Wikipedia

Year 1543, Wikipedia.

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