Friday, February 20, 2015

History: The Year is 1524

I've uploaded year 1524 to the TSP Wiki...

Here are some one liners...

Trading, Usury and the Reverse Mortgage -- The Church is running a "Reverse Mortgage" scheme that is unseemly to Martin Luther. He talks about many abuses by merchants and government in general. I also talk about Jews in the banking industry. (I'm Jewish, BTW.)

The German Peasants War and the Golden Ass -- The peasants are in an uproar and a priest has suggested that they kill all the princes and redistribute their wealth! He wants to rebuild society to the model of the novel "The Golden Ass". This preacher will be the ass in this drama though.

Granada, Nicaragua... the Oldest City on the Mainland -- They have the documentation to prove it. Nuf said.

Trading, Usury and the Reverse Mortgage

Martin Luther points out that the government will hang a man for stealing half a guilder (about a dollar in 2015 money) but allow merchants to steal thousands... legally. Also the Church had been accepting donations of property BEFORE A MAN DIES and charging him "rent" to live in his former home. This is a legal fiction that allows the Church to sell "Reverse Mortgages," or annuities. Martin Luther thinks this is unseemly... a violation of the spirit of the law and a conflict of interest for the Church, so to speak... like having a starving man guarding a grocery store. He has a lot to say on the subject of charity, loans and legal issues related to trade and one cannot do justice to it all in a single paragraph. A link to the entire sermon can be found below. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Check with your local religious authority before you act on anything I have to say on this subject. As I read Martin Luther's complaint about loans, he is using the biblical definition of a loan... that is... loans as a form of charity. For example, if your friend asks you for 50 bucks until payday, you loan him the 50 bucks BUT DON'T CHARGE HIM INTEREST. The same goes if he needs money for medicine so that he can go back to work. Free-loan societies exist today for this purpose. There is one in Dallas, Texas. I still have to pay the interest on my mortgage and credit card because I owe the money to a corporation... not a person per se. [6] Additional Information (optional): Jews dominated banking because it was viewed as an unseemly occupation for Christians. As loans became a critical part of business and government finance, especially during war, Jews worked as special agents for the government, big business... and acted as intelligence agents. Some suggest that Jews such as the Rothschild family of 1700s were conspiring to enrich themselves, playing both sides against the middle. In the short-term, yes they were. In a conspiracy spanning 200 years? Occam's razor says no.

The German Peasants War and the Golden Ass

The peasants are dissatisfied with their lives. The Diet that tried to bring Martin Luther to heel is now shaking it its collective boots. Even the sister of the Emperor is taking Holy Communion through a Lutheran priest. The clergy are the stabilizing force in Germany and with this split in the Church, public order is breaking down. Thomas Miinzer calls for death to the godless by the sword! "Godless" meaning anyone who is not following him. What he describes as a perfect society sounds like communism. They will take from the the princes and equally distribute their wealth and if the princes don't agree, they will be hanged. Martin Luther is getting a lot of help from those "princes," though... and not just cynical help. Luther has Miinzer expelled. And then a massive hailstorm hits and kills the crops in the south. That does it. Southern Germany is up in arms. [7]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Thomas Miinzer calls his army the "Barefoot Friars." Their call is "Forward! Forward while the fire is hot! Let your swords be ever warm with blood!" Oddly... and forgive me because I don't quite get the connection but he wants to set up a society that resembles the novel "The Golden Ass" which is a love story but in particular a magician tries to turn himself into a bird but instead turns himself into an ass and finally finds salvation through the goddess Isis. Miinzer will be the "ass" in this story, though. By the end of this war, 100,000 German peasants will be dead to no good end. [8] [9]

Granada, Nicaragua... the Oldest City on the Mainland

The oldest city on the mainland was established this year in what is modern day Nicaragua along the coast of Lake Nicaragua . Francisco Hernández de Córdoba names the city Granada, after the city in Spain that was taken from the Moors in 1492 and it maintains a Moorish appearance. The official money is named the córdoba in his honor. [10] [11] [12]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Not much to say except that despite claims by others cities, Granada was officially registered earliest in Castile and Aragon which are present day Spain.

This Year on Wikipedia

Year 1524, Wikipedia.

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