Sunday, February 22, 2015

History: The Year is 1525

I've uploaded year 1525 to the TSP Wiki...

Here are some one liners...

Sheep Among Wolves: The Anabaptist Movement is Born -- Martin Luther is not the only one seeking reform. The Christians that will one day become the Mennonites and Amish have their beginnings now. I also talk about how our co-religionists can embarrass us at times.

The Straightedge and Protractor -- A great artist publishes the first applied mathematics book, and becomes a favorite artist of the Nazis.

In a Word: Spatula -- Simply... this word came into use this year.

Sheep Among Wolves: The Anabaptist Movement is Born

Some people people think that Martin Luther hasn't gone far enough so they have convinced the German peasants to start a war. The peasants think they are following Martin Luther, but he opposes the German Peasants' War and rejects its leaders. But there is a third group who believe in reform but won't join the war and won't follow Martin Luther either. They believe that True Christians should be like sheep living amongst wolves, tried in fire, refusing to kill and that Christians should be re-baptized with understanding rather than as infants. Their enemies call them Anabaptists... those who baptize AGAIN. They believe they are baptizing the FIRST time. In the modern day these Christians will be called Mennonites and the Amish. [1] [2] [3] [4]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
The Amish seem locked in the 18th century. They don't use tractors or automobiles and they don't join wars. Jews have similar sects although they will use modern devices. They wear those wide-rimmed black hats and look like the Amish. It brings to mind that old saying, "I don't care what religion you belong to as long as you are embarrassed by it." I am occasionally embarrassed by my fellow Jews, but they are still my fellows. I once asked a Christian woman if she was ever embarrassed by the Amish, she was utterly unaware that the Amish are Christians and I don't think she believed me when I explained that they were. It seems odd to me that Christians handle disagreements with their fellow Christians by dismissing them as Christians. [5]

The Straightedge and Protractor

The first book on applied mathematics is published this year. Albrecht Dürer [DYOO-rer] is an artist convinced that perspective should be precise. He demonstrates in his book, "Instructions on Measurement" how to use the straight edge and protractor to produce more realistic images in 2 dimensions but also provides the mathematical proofs for why this should work. Over time he will not only influence artists, but cartographers as well, and will make possible the Mercator Projection map in later years. He won't see it happen though. In a couple of years he will die of fever ... one of the richest men in Nuremberg. [6] [7] [8] [9]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
Albrecht Dürer was fascinated with the art and treasure from the New World that Hernando Cortéz was sending to Europe. He was also a supporter of Martin Luther. In modern times his art became a favorite of the Nazis. His engraving, Knight, Death and the Devil, was presented to Adolf Hitler. It depicts a knight riding through a grim world with Death and the Devil close at hand. While the Hitler's supporters saw the German knight as an heroic Hitler, no doubt Hitler's enemies thought Death and the Devil close to Hitler had an entirely different meaning. [10]

In a Word: Spatula

The word "spatula" comes into use in England. It literally means "little broadsword" but it actually refers to a broad flat piece of wood used for stirring or as splints. The word is also related to "spade" as in "shovel". [11]
My Take by Alex Shrugged
I love that Weird Al Yankovic fake commercial called "Spatula City," a store that sells only spatulas.

This Year on Wikipedia

Year 1525, Wikipedia.

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